A row of houses on the side of a street.

How “Affordability, Equity, and Resilience” Contribute to building a Stronger Boston


Explanation: Making housing options accessible for people across various income levels.

How ADUs contribute: ADUs can create additional rental units, increasing housing supply and potentially lowering overall housing costs in Boston.

Example: A homeowner rents out an ADU to a young professional at a fair market rate, making housing in a desirable neighborhood more accessible.


Explanation: Ensuring everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to access safe, secure housing.

How ADUs contribute: ADUs can create more housing options within neighborhoods, potentially allowing residents of different backgrounds to live there. This fosters diversity and inclusivity.

Example: By building an ADU, a homeowner can create an additional unit for an aging family member, allowing them to age in place within their community.


Explanation: The ability of a city to adapt and recover from challenges. In housing, it refers to a system that can withstand economic downturns and

housing shortages.

How ADUs contribute: ADUs diversify the housing stock, offering more options. This flexibility allows the housing market to adapt to changing needs and economic conditions.

Example: During an economic downturn, homeowners with ADUs might have a source of rental income to help them weather financial difficulties. This contributes to the overall stability of the housing market. Learn more about how REALBoston Corp can help you unlock the potential of ADUs and build a stronger Boston! (Launching Soon: http://REALBostonADU.com) ADUs = Affordability, Equity & Resilience.