A house with a garage in the middle of it

ADUs Basics

What are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are independent residential units that are located on
the same lot as a standalone, single-family home. ADUs provide unique opportunities to utilize existing residential space to address housing shortages, offer more affordable living options, and enable families to support intergenerational living arrangements. They can be integrated into existing structures or built as new constructions on the same property.

Types of ADUs Supported Through Zoning Reform
The City of Boston supports several types of ADUs through its zoning reform efforts, which include:

1. Basement ADUs: These units are developed within the basement space of an existing home. They must meet specific building codes to ensure safety and comfort,
such as adequate ceiling height and emergency egress.

2. Attic ADUs: Similar to basement units, attic ADUs utilize the uppermost space of a
home. These units require careful consideration of access, insulation, and ventilation to transform attic space into livable quarters.

3. Attached ADUs: These are extensions or additions to the primary residence. Attached ADUs typically share at least one wall with the main home and can be a
cost-effective way to create rental space without purchasing additional land.

4. Detached ADUs: Stand-alone structures that are separate from the main house. These units often resemble a small cottage or a converted garage and provide the greatest level of independence and privacy among ADU types.

Each type of ADU offers different advantages and challenges, and the choice often depends on the existing property layout, the homeowner’s budget, and the specific needs for additional living space.

For more detailed information and guidance on developing ADUs, including how to comply with local zoning and building codes, contact us for a free consultation.